Message Transition Videos
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Short content for sermons
Message Transition videos for sermons can help people engage with difficult topics. Introducing your teaching subject area through relevant, short videos can help others become open to exploring mental health issues in the church and in their own lives. Our selection of short videos can be used as is, combined, or edited to fit your specific communication needs. If you would like to discuss creation of custom/branded content for your church, please contact
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Grief Transition
A trauma survivor talks about what grief is like. Length – 01:31

Loss Of A Child Transition
John shares what he learned about how to talk with parents who are grieving the loss of a child. Length – 01:27

Second Chances Transition
Gina talks about the way God changed her life, and how he holds out a second chance to anyone. – 01:26

Hope At My Darkest Transition
Porcia shares how God reached her at her darkest time. Length – 00:38

Helping In Crisis Transition
A mom talks about the practical needs she had during a family crisis. Length – 00:58

Hope And Change Transition
A former gang leader and pastor talks about the importance of hope and the way God can use our desperation to reignite hope. Length – 01:26

How God Sees Me Transition
Kjersti talks about how God’s view of her changed the way she sees herself and her past choices. Length – 00:49

Hopelessness Transition
Margaret talks openly about her depression, thoughts of suicide, and her anger with God. Therapist and survivor Jenita shares the value of community. Length – 01:57

How To Be A Friend Transition
Tim discusses walking through his wife’s depression and suicide attempt and shares ways a friend can be present during trauma. Length – 01:37

Stigma Transition
Dan talks about how he and his wife walked through life after the death of their daughter. Therapist Allie describes the ways we can fail when we try to support people in trauma. Length – 01:42

Eyes Of A Survivor Transition
Trauma Survivor and widow Lisa talks about the numbness, lack of connection and support she felt in the years after her husband’s death. She and therapist Jenita share advice on supporting someone in grief. Length – 01:38

Victors Story Transition
Pastor victor describes the reality of growing up in poverty, the idea of generational curses, and how God responded to his situation. Length - 01:51

Hitting Bottom Transition
Dawn was so hopeless that she wanted to die. She describes the bottom of her addiction, a dark place of prostitution and homelessness she never expected to be. Therapist Jess presents some of the elements useful for healing from complex trauma and mental health. – 01:55

The Life We Hide Transition
Trafficking survivor Heidi talks about the life she hid from the world and the importance of accountability and discipleship to face our true spiritual condition so that we can focus on salvation. Length – 01:43

What To Say Transition
Makenzie was 13 years old when her big brother was murdered. She talks about the way people tried to care for her and what she thinks would have helped her. Length – 01:39

Post Partum Transition
Sheila describes her experience with post partum depression and how God equipped her to survive. Length – 01:40

Surviving Depression Transition
A survivor of depression talks about the way her relationship with God grew through her struggles with anxiety and depression. Length – 01:37

What The Church Can Do
Sheila, a survivor of depression speaks about what the church can do to support people experiencing trauma. Length – 01:38

Face Of Mental Health
A survivor of generational mental illness shares her experience and thoughts on how the church can be part of healing. Length – 02:04

Grieving Well Transition
Julie, a widow share her insight on the grief path and how others can take part in supporting those who are suffering. Length – 01:45

Be A Friend Transition
Pastor Tim shares his experience with his wife’s suicide attempt and how they were supported by a friend. Length – 01:37

Power Of Story Transition
Sheila Raye and Jenny talk about using their past trauma and mistakes to help others find hope, and discovery how pain can be part of God’s plan. Length – 02:01

Race and the Church Transition
A mom with a unique perspective advocates for the church to play it’s role in addressing trauma and racial inequities in our country. Length – 01:42

Stigma Transition
A pastor and mental illness survivor talks about the death of his daughter. A Christian therapist talks about the way the church sometimes falls short of responding well. Length – 01:38

Escaping Abuse Transition
Lynda is a survivor of long term abuse. She shares her experience with how the church could have responded better. Length – 02:14

Written Off Transition
Sheila Raye talks about the hopeless condition of feeling written off and when transformation happened for her life. – 01:47

Searching For Transformation
Sheila Raye talks about the way she struggled to change her life before discovering God’s love through scripture. – 00:46

Surrender and Hope Transition
Jenny shares the way she surrendered to God to take her out of a life of prostitution. – 01:33

Feeling Unworthy Transition
Jenny shares the pain in her past of feeling unloved and unworthy, and the day God broke through to show her his love. – 02:06

Journey With Grief Transition
Brad shares the vivid story of a dream he had following the death of his son. In his dream, Brad saw grief as a companion who took his hand as he walked through the pain, anger, and healing of his grief. Length – 03:35

Despair Transition
Melinda was is despair. When she reached out for help, the people in her life weren’t equipped or willing to help her. One morning in the middle of a church service, her despair broke her. Length – 02:08

Despair Resolved Transition
Melinda was is despair. When she reached out for help, the people in her life weren’t equipped or willing to help her. One morning in the middle of a church service, her despair broke her. Looking back, Melinda realized that God had been working in this time to reorient her identity back towards God. Length – 02:43

Didn't See it Transition
Kayla was living a beautiful life. She had a beautiful home, children, and was married to the man of her dreams. She and her husband had fulfilling work in ministry. Then her husband, a pastor started struggling with panic attacks. Everyone was blindsided when Andrew took his own life. Kayla was now facing a life she didn’t ask for and never saw coming. Length – 02:39

Isolation Transition
Jenita describes how she saw suicide as an escape, and convinced herself that taking her life would provide the best outcome for her husband. Length – 01:36

In The Shadows Transition
Therapist and survivor Amber provides basic information to help us understand and define sexual addiction. Length – 01:52

Injustice Transition
Expert voice, John Turnipseed shares some of the injustice around housing, employment, and crime that happens every day in the inner city. Length – 01:37

God Provides Transition
Lynda describes the impact of the abuse she suffered in her marriage and in the corporate world. Length – 01:43

God Provides Resolved Transition
Lynda describes the impact of the abuse she suffered in her marriage and in the corporate world. She provides a real world example of trusting God’s provision for her life. Length – 02:17

Love In Action Transition
Jenita shares the experience of finding her way again following a suicide attempt. She found a well equipped supporter and leaned into the comfort of the Psalms. Jenita shares a real world example of how God supports us through his word and through key people, Length – 02:36

Sudden Loss Transition
Kim talks about her extroidinary experiences of loss. After years of struggle with mental illness, Kim’s other died by suicide. Years later, Kim’s son took his own life during his freshman year in college. Kim’s life was shattered. Length – 02:22
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