Stigma Videos

Stigma videos present real people who share stories of personal struggles.  Each video comes with a companion application/discussion guide which includes a summary of the video key points, suggestions for use, discussion starters, and relevant scripture.   Please check back as we regularly add new content.

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Mental Illness Stigma

For some people. the label mentally ill can prevent them from seeing their true identity on Christ. Therapist Glen Bloomstrom presents biblical truth about God’s sovereignty over suffering and the way the church can help break the stigma of mental illness so our friends and family can find hope and healing.

Mental Health Stigma

Pastor and survivor Dan along with therapist Allie talk about the ways we often stigmatize people who should feel comfortable bringing their trauma to the church.

discussion video cover of Jason

Fear of Judgement

Jason talks about the fear of being judged for his addiction. Counselor Julie provides direction on being present to hear and accept those who come to us for support.

Say The Right Thing

Unless we’ve lived through the loss of a child we can’t really know the depth of that pain. After the loss of her son, Lyn was deeply hurt by the words of a friend who had an outsiders perspective. Lyn shares her guidance on how to care for those in the depth of grief.

Trauma And Your Church

Therapist Jenita Pace has an important and simple message for the local church; be ready to do relationship. Step one in providing care is to identify and equip enough of the right people to meet the needs of those looking for support.

Talking To One In Distress

Pastor Tom Gonzalez describe how we resemble Christ when we are distressed, and the importance of expressing our emotions. He shares practical guidance for communicating with someone in distress.

Is God Punishing Me

Pastor and trauma survivor Dan shares his experience with the way well-meaning Christians can create feelings of shame for people who reach out for mental health support.

Abuse For Church Leaders

Lynda shares her perspective as a therapist with more than 4 decades of personal experience with abuse. Her story can inform church culture, and leadership responses to abuse, as well as provide support for individuals who seek healing for abuse trauma.

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From our Executive Director, Steve Johnson

The survivors, whose stories we tell are the heroes of LifeSupport. A comment we often get from the survivors is, “if my story can help someone, then there is redemption for me.”

We are committed to providing a continually growing collection of high quality resources to support ministry.  We’d love to hear about your specific resource requests or suggestions. Let us know how we can help you on our Contact Page