Counseling Tip Videos
Counseling tip videos present real people who share stories of personal struggles. Each video comes with a companion application/discussion guide which includes a summary of the video key points, suggestions for use, discussion starters, and relevant scripture. Please check back as we regularly add new content.
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How Much Do I Share?
We know the value of personal transparency when supporting people in pain. But how much is too much? Pastor Susan Thompson presents wisdom for establishing guardrails around sharing.

Pastoral Transparency
From therapist Glen Bloomstrom. The pastor who has the ability to share his or her own journey of faith and human struggle can have a tremendous impact on the mental health and spiritual growth of their church. Scriptural references included.

Counseling Tip - Be Present
Care pastor and trauma survivor Susan Thompson discusses the lasting impact of simple presence.

Leadership Transparency
Therapist Kim DeBerge talks about creating opportunities for willing people to share their experiences as a way of opening the door for others to bring their own pain and suffering to God through their church community.

Caring For The Hopeless
Some of us haven’t walked through hopelessness and it’s hard to know what to do for someone who’s hopeless. Real survivors and professionals share practical strategies for ministering to those in need individually and through the church.

Listening to Children
Counselor Caroline Jones talks about the importance of equipping those who work with children to listen intentionally. Kids will communicate their needs but not always in the way we would expect.

Listening With Children
Sometimes, help can be as simple as a children’s book at the right time. Caroline Jones shares a beautiful story that gives practical and simple suggestions on responding with the Holy Spirit for children in trauma.

Mental Illness Stigma & Identity
For some people. the label mentally ill can prevent them from seeing their true identity on Christ. Therapist Glen Bloomstrom presents biblical truth about God’s sovereignty over suffering and the way the church can help break the stigma of mental illness so our friends and family can find hope and healing.

Observe Listen Refer
Therapist Glen Bloomstrom walks us through simple practical steps that ministry leaders can take to help those in the church who struggle with mental health disorders.

Present With The Suffering
Counselor Caroline Jones describes practical actions that can be use for people who are suffering and discusses her views on the theology of suffering; God grieves over our suffering, He never leaves us alone in our suffering, and there is an eternal remedy for suffering.

Sympathy Versus Empathy
Therapist Tom Colbert shares how to fundamentally help people with trauma through building an arena of respect. Tom presents 3 simple but challenging steps to create an environment of respect so that suffering people understand that your church is willing and prepared to care for them.

Vulnerability In The Church
Vulnerability is really scary. Therapist Tom Colbert talks about the vulnerability required to give our lives over to Christ. Those in trauma need people and churches that accept, encourage, and model vulnerability so that they feel free to escape the identity defined by their trauma or other mental health disorder.

Counseling Tip -What To Say
Survivors, Pastors, and counselors talk about common mistakes that some of us make when we try to support people with mental health needs. Our words and even scripture can cause feelings of guilt, shame, and exclusion for survivors. Positive suggestions and strategies are shared.
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