
"There's nothing else out there like this."

I love anything that Five Stone Media does. They go right to the people who have experienced all different types of trauma; childhood abuse, prison, grief of a the sudden death of a loved one, mental health issues, sexual exploitation, etc. They are honest, vulnerable, transparent, and tell us exactly what they felt and teach us how can we can best love and come alongside those who are suffering in similar ways. There is nothing else out there like this, nor as helpful for a church and our community.
Terri Hands
Family & Marriage Therapist - retired

"So much easier to talk about"

Topics that can be difficult to talk about such as suicide and trauma are so much easier to talk about through story. The personal stories that people are willing to share in these videos help others to open up about their own stories.
Annette Jackson
Associate Pastor - Woodridge Church

"Believers are silently suffering."

Five Stone Media is doing some really important work. Millions of believers are silently suffering in churches all over America. By equipping pastors and leaders to enter into a life full of pain and trauma, many will be freed from the stigma of being seen as abnormal, or somehow deficient. This equipping has been needed for a long time and I am grateful for the resources that their team is making available.
Paul Johnson
Lead Pastor - Ridgewood Church

"Respond in bold, compassionate, and effective ways."

Like poverty, mental illness has always been with us. These are among those whom Jesus called the afflicted and oppressed. He has a special heart for them. He singled them out with tremendous compassion and tenderness in both the Old and New Testaments. He commands His church to express His heart and healing to them in both word and deed. The brokenness of our world requires the Church to respond in bold, compassionate, and effective ways. The source of true freedom and abundant life, wholeness, peace, and identity are found in Christ alone. The LifeSupport team is passionate about helping resource the Church to more effectively and powerfully live out our command to share this message. It has truly been a privilege to work with them to this end.
Melinda Cathey, MA
Co-Founder, The Harbor, St. Petersburg, Russia - Consultant/Educator for Trauma Informed Care

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