Suffering Videos
Suffering videos present real people who share stories of personal struggles. Each video comes with a companion application/discussion guide which includes a summary of the video key points, suggestions for use, discussion starters, and relevant scripture. Please check back as we regularly add new content.
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Approach The Suffering
Sometimes the best way to support someone is to just sit along side them in their suffering. Counselor Caroline shares the importance of enlisting the right knowledge, perspective and people when supporting those who are suffering.

Empathy For The Suffering
Therapist Julie Hull on responding to trauma. Sometimes our response to someone in pain can miss the mark because we try to respond with empathy when we haven’t actually been in their shoes. Empathy requires shared experience. Julie shares a few specific things a church can do to respond well.

Theology For The Suffering
Melinda is a therapist and trauma survivor who talks about her confusion and anger with God about the way He was treating her.

Walking With The Wounded
Survivor Beth who lost her son and Pastor Paul offer advice to the church on following the model of Jesus to be compassionate and present with the suffering.

Where Is God
Cindy is surviving the suicide of her husband. She shares with Pastor Paul what she’s learned about God and shares some of the questions that she and others have had for God in times of suffering.

The Darkest Hour
At the age of 20 Sandy’s life was totally changed when she became paralyzed from the neck down as the result of a car accident. She shares that while she was initially angry with God, she credits her accident and disability with strengthening her bond with God and her spiritual life.

Anxiety Depression PTSD
Cheri describes her family’s experience with trauma and mental illness. The process of healing from trauma is often complicated and can require exploration of difficult past events. She shares that real relief came through the realization that overcoming mental illness is not a thing to be fixed but a journey of healing requiring patience, flexibility, and love.

Caregivers Of Mental Illness
Steve speaks openly of living with his wife’s mental illness for nearly 3 decades. He describes the difficulty that he and his children faced, and how faithful God was to send help.

Walking With The Hurting
Nancy’s family needed support when her son was under control of addiction. Counselor Kjersti, offers advice and counsel on the way Christians can support each other. LuAnn shares the way one church equips it’s people to come alongside others.
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are built on the stories of real people who share their experience, hope and healing. We’re grateful for their trust and generosity in serving others who seek change.
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