Lifeblood Reentry Groups For Men And Women
Take a few minutes to learn about Lifeblood for men and Lifeblood for women.

Lifeblood for Men and Lifeblood for Women are innovative video-based discussion groups designed to bring hope, healing and change for those affected by incarceration. Each 1.5 hour session introduces a theme through powerful storytelling of former inmates with shared experiences who have found total life transformation and successfully navigated the transition from incarceration. Lifeblood sessions provide participants opportunities to learn from each other’s experiences and to think differently about their lives in order to bring about real, actionable change.
The Lifeblood Themes
Family | Influence | Hope | Power | Self-reliance
Second Chances | Loyalty | Do the Right Thing | Transformation
How It Works
The flow of the curriculum leads participants through three theme-centered sessions followed by a viewing session featuring one of the Turnipseed short films that are used to reinforce the content discussed in the previous three sessions. The Lifeblood curriculum is strategically designed to create the greatest impact for the participants while empowering any volunteer facilitator.
There is no magic formula for life change. We sincerely wish there were. But what we do know is this. God’s healing, redemptive power can transform any heart; that is why we created this curriculum.
Every time a Lifeblood group meets we expect that someone’s life will be changed.
Everything You Need For A Successful Group

The comprehensive Lifeblood Facilitators Guide will enable your Lifeblood Group Facilitator to lead participants through the lesson plan provided for each session of the curriculum. For each session, the guide provides:
- Lesson Objectives – Will assist you in understanding the ultimate goal of each lesson is before you begin.
- Discussion Guide – Helps facilitate effective group learning experience to explore awareness of past and current thoughts and feelings related to the theme and exploration of new thinking.
- Pre-Session Activities – Help to identify individual biases, past experiences and opportunities for change around the session theme.
- Video Introduction – Stories of real people with shared experience to identify positive and negative examples of session theme, and content that is personally relevant or that shows unfamiliar thinking or behavior.
- Homework – Directed action steps that serve to reinforce changes in thinking and behavior. Opportunities to practice new thinking in real life situations.
- Follow-up Assessment – Measures individual progress and need for reinforcement.
Lifeblood Reentry Groups are effective as a stand-alone reentry tool or as a component of a larger system of programming. We’ve assembled the Lifeblood Curriculum and Facilitators Guide to help you help others find healing, redefine key thinking and behavior for their lives, and find hope for their futures. If your participants can get a handle on these nine areas of their lives, they will be well on their way. May God bless you for your willingness to open your hearts and share your time; we could not fulfill our mission without you.
Free Group Facilitator Training
We want your church to have a great experience using LifeSupport curriculum so we provide training to help new facilitators get started using these resources. Every trained facilitator receives complete access to all curriculum resources free of charge. You choose the team who will lead the curriculum and we’ll take care of the rest. Complete the following from to request in-person or virtual facilitator training.