Grief Videos

Grief videos from LifeSupport present real people who share stories of personal struggles.  Each video comes with a companion application/discussion guide which includes a summary of the video key points, suggestions for use, discussion starters, and relevant scripture.   Please check back as we regularly add new content.

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Comfort Grieving Parents

Simple input from the Dad of a lost child. John provides guidance on how to talk to parents about their child who has died.

Empathy For The Suffering

Therapist Julie Hull on responding to trauma. Sometimes our response to someone in pain can miss the mark because we try to respond with empathy when we haven’t actually been in their shoes. Empathy requires shared experience. Julie shares a few specific things a church can do to respond well.

Grief Empathy

This video features John who survived the death of his young son. John offers very practical tips for people in the pain of grief and for those who love them.

Hope And Time For Healing

Trauma creates hard questions; does time heal? where do I find my hope? etc. Therapist Julie Hull talks about finding hope after the death of her husband and how we as the church can help bear the weight when death challenges our hope and faith. Julie contrasts earthly and eternal healing.

Mental Health Stigma

Pastor and survivor Dan along with therapist Allie talk about the ways we often stigmatize people who should feel comfortable bringing their trauma to the church.

Responding To Suffering

Makenzie lost her big brother to homicide when she was 13 years old. In this video she shares her thoughts about the way her friends and church responded to her suffering.

Say The Right Thing

Unless we’ve lived through the loss of a child we can’t really know the depth of that pain. After the loss of her son, Lyn was deeply hurt by the words of a friend who had an outsiders perspective. Lyn shares her guidance on how to care for those in the depth of grief.

Tragedy And Forgiveness

When Stephanie’s little boy died while under the care of his baby-sitter the wounds were permanent and deep. Restoration for relationships that badly damaged need God’s healing. This story of pain illuminates the power of God’s grace and forgiveness.

Supporting Kids/Bad News

Julie is a therapist who lost her husband to cancer. She relate the experience of sharing the news of Ken’s illness with their young son. Julie presents recommendations of ways the church can support families going through similar events.

Surviving The First Years

Lisa shares the journey of feelings and perceptions she went through in the years following trauma. Counselor Jenita guides caregivers to focus on listening as the first tool in responding to people in pain.

Talking To One In Distress

Pastor Tom Gonzalez describe how we resemble Christ when we are distressed, and the importance of expressing our emotions. He shares practical guidance for communicating with someone in distress.

The Depth Of Grief

Survivor Jessica shares some things she learned about grief through trauma. Counselor Allie talks about the presence of grief in the Bible. Counselor and survivor Karen shares the importance of creating environments where people feel safe asking for help.

Walking With The Wounded

Survivor Beth who lost her son and Pastor Paul offer advice to the church on following the model of Jesus to be compassionate and present with the suffering.

Where Grief Takes Us

Brad share the vivid story of his journey with grief after the death of his son. Brad describes his experience of ways grief can hurt and heal. Counselors Karen & Jess talk about offering everyone their own grief path.

Where Is God

Cindy is surviving the suicide of her husband. She shares with Pastor Paul what she’s learned about God and shares some of the questions that she and others have had for God in times of suffering.

Where Is The Good

Good can come from bad through God’s grace. Pastor and trauma survivor Susan talks about her past struggles with questioning God’s goodness during life’s really bad times.

Where was God Discussion

Where Was God

After Barb lost her beautiful son, for a time she was blinded by her anger and grief. Sadly, she was met by some people who were not equipped to support her. Abuse survivor Jessica describes the journey of healing that leads to the acceptance that our identity is defined by God.

When There Are No Answers

Brad talks about the ways people responded after the death of his son Logan. Pastor Paul talks about the experience of leading his church while in the depth of grief over his murdered son.

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Grief Videos From LifeSupport...

are built on the stories of real people who share their experience, hope and healing.  We’re grateful for their trust and generosity in serving others who seek change.

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