Depression and Anxiety Videos

Depression and anxiety videos present real people who share stories of personal struggles.  Each video comes with a companion application/discussion guide which includes a summary of the video key points, suggestions for use, discussion starters, and relevant scripture.   Please check back as we regularly add new content.

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Coming Home to Trauma

Pastor Tim talks about the trauma of coming home from church to find that his wife had attempted suicide. A first hand account of a church leader who is faced with a life changing event. Tim shares a wonderful example of loving care and support they received.

Caring for the Hopeless

Real survivors and professionals share practical strategies for ministering to those who are without hope. There are ways to come alongside both individually and through the church.


Vivid descriptions of hopelessness and the real feelings that accompany grief, depression and suicide. Strategies for supporting those in need.

Darkness At The Bottom

Survivor Dawn talks about the feelings of darkness and hopelessness during her time of addiction and homelessness. Therapist Jess gives a reminder of the importance of bringing hope to people in trauma.


Survivor Rob shares the feelings and thought he went through during his time of isolation. Pastor Paul shares advice from his own trauma experience on how to react when trauma becomes part of your story.

Mad at God depression

Mad At God

If we’re honest, at times most of us have felt angry with God. Survivor Margaret generously shares the pain of feeling estranged from God. Therapist Jenita reminds us of the lament of the psalms.

Anxiety Depression PTSD

Cheri describes her family’s experience with trauma and mental illness. The process of healing from trauma is often complicated and can require exploration of difficult past events. She shares that real relief came through the realization that overcoming mental illness is not a thing to be fixed but a journey of healing requiring patience, flexibility, and love.

Unlikely Face Of Mental Illness

Kim is a survivor of generational mental illness. The suicide of her Mother and of her son years later, as well as her own struggle with depression have led to a deep understanding. Kim shares her practical insight on God’s provision for our struggles and ways the church family can respond to provide healthy support.

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From our Executive Director, Steve Johnson

The survivors, whose stories we tell are the heroes of LifeSupport. A comment we often get from the survivors is, “if my story can help someone, then there is redemption for me.”

LifeSupport Depression and Anxiety Videos...

are built on the stories of real people who share their experience, hope and healing.  We’re grateful for their trust and generosity in serving others who seek change.

We are committed to providing a continually growing collection of high quality resources to support ministry.  We’d love to hear about your specific resource requests or suggestions. Let us know how we can help you on our Contact Page