Children and Teen Videos
Children and Teen videos present real people who share stories of personal struggles. Each video comes with a companion application/discussion guide which includes a summary of the video key points, suggestions for use, discussion starters, and relevant scripture. Please check back as we regularly add new content.
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Listening to Children
Counselor Caroline Jones talks about the importance of equipping those who work with children to listen intentionally. Kids will communicate their needs but not always in the way we would expect.

Listening With Children
Sometimes, help can be as simple as a children’s book at the right time. Caroline Jones shares a beautiful story that gives practical and simple suggestions on responding with the Holy Spirit for children in trauma.

Responding To Suffering
Makenzie lost her big brother to homicide when she was 13 years old. In this video she shares her thoughts about the way her friends and church responded to her suffering.

Supporting Kids/Bad News
Julie is a therapist who lost her husband to cancer. She relate the experience of sharing the news of Ken’s illness with their young son. Julie presents recommendations of ways the church can support families going through similar events.
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From our Executive Director, Steve Johnson
The survivors, whose stories we tell are the heroes of LifeSupport. A comment we often get from the survivors is, “if my story can help someone, then there is redemption for me.”
LifeSupport children and teen videos are built on the stories of real people who share their experience, hope and healing. We’re grateful for their trust and generosity in serving others who seek change.
We are committed to providing a continually growing collection of high quality resources to support ministry. We’d love to hear about your specific resource requests or suggestions. Let us know how we can help you on our Contact Page